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EOS Crypto Coin Rank 76
1,548,279,351 EOS

EOS Coin Values EOS

EOS valuesUSD Цена
$ 0.6438


EOS 24ч
$ 72,755,912

EOS Рейтинг Рынка
$ 996,759,519

753 BTC
1 H
-0.04 %
24 H
3.72 %
7 d
-0.33 %
сегодня EOS цена в долларах США в настоящее время 0.6438 USD, и если он преобразуется в Bitcoin является 0.00000667 BTC. Всего 10,321 монета's в настоящее время распространяются на рынке. EOS цены в настоящее время испытывают изменение 3.72 %, проверять все криптовалюты. За последние 24 часа 0.728 M US dollars EOS торгуется на Crypto Exchanges. Получить EOS's прогресс, добавив его в свой избранное и создание свободного портфолио если хочешь.
Полное имя
BTC цена
0.00000667 BTC
BTC рынок
10,321 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
753 BTC
Все добыденные монеты
1,548,279,351 EOS
-0.04 %
3.72 %
-0.33 %
EOS Диаграммы

EOS Цена Диаграммы

EOS Диаграммa высокой/низкой цены

EOS Цена Диаграммa высокой/низкой цены

Historical Data

EOS Crypto Technology


EOS Crypto Market


EOS Crypto ICO Description

EOS.IO is software that introduces a blockchain architecture designed to enable vertical and horizontal scaling of decentralized applications (the “EOS.IO Software”). This is achieved through an operating system-like construct upon which applications can be built. The software provides accounts, authentication, databases, asynchronous communication and the scheduling of applications across multiple CPU cores and/or clusters. The resulting technology is a blockchain architecture that has the potential to scale to millions of transactions per second, eliminates user fees and allows for quick and easy deployment of decentralized applications. For more information, please read the EOS.IO Technical White Paper.

Blockexplorer: https://eospark.com/

In the case of EOS, circulating supply and total supply are available but max supply is not available, which indicates that EOS supply is infinite. The current cap is 1 billion tokens, there will be an inflation of up to 5% per annum to reward the block producers and they may use these to sell or to invest back into EOS dapps.


EOS Crypto Technology

Sorry, detailed technology about EOS is not currently available


EOS Crypto Features

Sorry, detailed features about EOS is not currently available

ICO Status

EOS ICO Details

Статус ICO
Доставка токенов
Поднятый Капитал (BTC)
998,000,000 EOS sold.
Поднятый Капитал (USD)
Стартовая цена (USD)
Аудиторская компания безопасности
Легальная форма ICO
Юрисдикция ICO
Юридические консультанты
Белый лист

EOS tokens are ERC-20 compatible tokens distributed on the Ethereum blockchain pursuant to a related ERC-20 smart contract (the “EOS Tokens”).

The founders tokens represent 10% of the aggregate EOS Token and are currently held in Smart Contracts.

The ICO is divided into two phases, period 1 offers 20% of total supply and period 2 offers 70% to investors, Phase 2 is split into 350 consecutive 23 hours periods, selling 2 mln EOS tokens each period.. 10% is held by the team in smart contracts.


Brendan Blumer, CEO: Involved in the Blockchain industry since 2014, Brendan is a serial entrepreneur who has built businesses including trading of virtual currencies in MMORPGs in the US, okay.com in Hong Kong and 1Group in India.

Daniel Larimer, CTO: A serial entrepreneur focusing on innovative technologies ranging from virtual reality simulators to second-generation crypto currencies, most notably BitShares. Dan is a specialist in software development and the inventor of the widely adopted “Proof of Stake” and “Decentralized Autonomous Corporations” concepts.

Brock Pierce, Partner: A venture capitalist and entrepreneur who pioneered the market for digital currency in games and has raised more than $200 million for companies he founded. Brock is the Chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation, and co-founder of Blockchain Capital, among others.

Ian Grigg, Partner: A financial cryptographer who has been building cryptographic ledger platforms for over 20 years, Ian is the inventor of the Ricardian Contract and the co-inventor of Triple-Entry Accounting.

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