OKEX is multi-cryptocurrency exchange allowing users to trade cryptos and fiat-backed tokens. OKEX also provides digital asset based futures with multiple leverage choices. OKEX has also built a suite of algorithmic trading tools designed for the professional traders. Additional products include a wallet, vault and a block explorer..
Taker: 0.2% Maker: 0.2% https://www.okex.com/pages/products/fees.html
Contact Us?+852 5808 5768 (24/7) Unit 21, Sino Plaza, 255-257 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
相关交易所列表。 以下列表包含支持比特币,以太坊,Litecoin,XRP和其他着名的alt硬币的顶级加密交换。 此外,此列表提供了一瞥概述,以指示哪些交易更适合活跃交易.