Headquartered in Estonia, ATAIX is a digital asset trading platform. It provides digital assets trading services such as Bitcoin and Ethereum to users around the world. Fees can be as low as 0%. The fee schedules are volume-based. The more the user trade, the lower its rate..
Deposit fees: -Cryptocurrencies: 0 -EUR: 1.5% + 12 EUR. Withdrawal fees: -Cryptocurrencies: 0% (Network transaction fee). -EUR: n/a. To access the complete ATAIX Fee schedule, please visit https://ataix.com/fees.
OÜ, Roosikrantsi tn 2-K468, Tallinn, 10119, Estonia
相关交易所列表。 以下列表包含支持比特币,以太坊,Litecoin,XRP和其他着名的alt硬币的顶级加密交换。 此外,此列表提供了一瞥概述,以指示哪些交易更适合活跃交易.